Postdoctoral Fellowships & Grants

With the Devers Family Program in Dante Studies, the Center for Italian co-sponsors postdoctoral fellowships and collaborative research endeavors primarily based at Notre Dame Rome. Ongoing research projects include:

Devers Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Dante Studies

The current research project, led by Professors Laura Banella and Theodore Cachey, investigates the canon of Dante’s works, focusing specifically on the processes through which the canon has been constructed between 1300 and 1600. The research focuses on the ways in which individual works have been attributed to Dante or not, on how Dante’s works have been organized, exploring the influence of canon formation on the interpretation and reception of Dante’s oeuvre over the centuries. The current Devers postdoctoral research fellow is Federico Feriozzi.

Roma Tre Research Grant

The research grant, under the scientific supervision of Prof. Anna Pegoretti, specifically addresses the topic: "Theological and Moral Literature in Santa Croce in Dante’s Time." The grant funds the edition and analysis of an unpublished theological and moral text believed to have been written in Santa Croce towards the end of the 13th century. This effort seeks to shed light on the cultural and religious life of Florence during that period. The current postdoctoral research fellow is Veronica Albi.